Not from Baltimore, as our late great American Poet Woody Guthrie said, but from…Minnesota!
I left MN on March 11, 2020 and arrived in Washington on March 15. In terms of the early days of the pandemic and the status of each state, it was out of the frying pan and into the fire!
But since then, I have re-established therapeutic relationships with a number of MN Music Therapy clients and begun teaching Guitar, Uke and more at the Bellinghome School of Music in my new home of Bellingham, WA.
I have also continued my recording work, releasing my most recent solo CD, Songs of Inspiration and Transformation, in September 2020. Visit my bandcamp page to hear my full CDs and singles. And visit my discography page for links to other CDs on which I appear, including those with my esteemed friend and colleague Carolyn Koebel.

Here I am (with MORE than my knapsack on my back!), on the way to the Bellinghome/Taylor studios to record my arrangement of Peace Within, an astonishing, healing song by the wonderful California singer/songwriter Juliet Lyons.
My version of Juliet’s song will be released the day after Memorial Day, June 1, 2021. I sang all the parts and played all of the instruments you see me carrying. But I would be remiss if I did not add that the inspiration for arranging Peace Within came from the Muse herself, Carolyn Koebel. It will eventually appear on one of Carolyn’s many collaborative collections, this one to be called Devotions on a Theme of Peace.
AND listen to Juliet Lyons’ original version here.
I wish you Peace~
ps. No News posts from me since November 2017?! I was letting the Calendar section of my website do the talking. And now, after more than a year of not playing publicly, there are a few pending gigs listed there! I hope those of you in Minnesota can make it to one or more.